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Pontea is an evangelism-through-apologetics ministry

Based in Madrid, Spain, with the aim of providing every Spanish-speaking person the opportunity to hear and respond to the message of Jesus Christ.

Why we exist

Our hope is that Spanish speakers can discover for themselves the message and the person of Jesus of Nazareth in an atmosphere of dialogue and trust, where their questions, concerns, objections and desires are taken seriously.

What we do

We communicate the gospel publicly, personally, and digitally, connecting mind and heart. We equip others to do the same. We encourage dialogue around the big questions about life, culture, spirituality and God.

How we do it

We create and co-create spaces for dialogue and reflection. We are available to any person or entity and are willing to adapt to any format and context. We offer conferences, talks, resources, programs and events.

International giving

TrustBridge Global Charity Fund (Tax deductible)
Account Name: Fundación Pontea
Fund Number: #213067

Via bank transfer (nondeductible)
Account Name: Fundacion Pontea
Bank Name: Caixabank
IBAN: ES95 2100 5454 4102 0040 5615
Bank Address: Centro de Instituciones Madrid · C/ Diego de León, 21, 28006 Madrid, Spain